Summer camp for teenagers in Czech Republic

Wednesday, 24/06/2015 16:26

Children playing traditional folk games (Photo : VNA)

A summer camp for Huong Sen Buddhist teenagers was organized on June 20th - 21st in the city of Bílina in the Czech Republic.

The camp was organized to encourage exchange and improve the Vietnamese language skills, physical exercise and traditional morality learning of the young overseas Vietnamese community.

The second summer camp attracted 160 young Vietnamese people aged 3-20 and 80 adults.

In particular, the number of campers this summer doubled compared to the previous camp and the rate of children aged under 10 accounted for nearly half, some of them coming from Germany and Hungary.

Venerable Thich Thong Dat in Most city and Venerable Thich Dong Trinh and Veneral Thich Dong Hoa from Nuremberg city (Germany) organized folk games for children.

According to the organizers, the folk games not only helped teenagers take physical exercise but also encouraged the second and third Vietnamese generations in the Czech Republic to exchange with each other and better understand the culture of the nation./. 



