Overseas Vietnamese visit Truong Sa, DKI platform

Thursday, 02/05/2024 12:29
A delegation including nearly 70 overseas Vietnamese from 22 countries returned to the homeland and visited the Truong Sa and DKI platform, as part of a trip co-organized by the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs and the High Command of the Vietnam People's Navy from April 24 to 30.
The overseas Vietnamese delegation at the landmark of the Truong Sa. (Photo: VNA)

During the journey, they visited the islands of Sinh Ton Dong, Len Dao, Da Dong, and Da Tay, the Truong Sa township, and the DKI/14 Phuc Tan platform. At the visits, they met residents, officers, and soldiers; attended musical exchanges; and visited local schools, pagodas, and households.

They also participated in a ceremony to commemorate fallen soldiers to protect the country’s sea and islands and a meeting and parade marking the 49th liberation anniversary of Truong Sa, and visited memorial areas dedicated to late President Ho Chi Minh and martyrs, offering incense and flowers.

The overseas Vietnamese delegation also 1.6 billion VND worth of donations and necessities to Truong Sa and DKI Platform.

Ms. Cao Hong Vinh, a member of the Liaison Board for Vietnamese in Europe "For the sea and islands of Vietnam", who joined Truong Sa trip for the second time, expressed her delight at positive changes in the places, which she attributed to significant efforts of the Party, State, army, and people.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Dong, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, said that the organization of working delegations to visit Truong Sa and the DKI Platform has contributed to important in spreading love for the homeland, country and islands in the overseas Vietnamese community. This is an opportunity for overseas Vietnamese to witness the determination and achievements of the Party and State in preserving the sacred sovereignty of the nation’s islands and seas, thereby continuing to affirm Vietnam's sovereignty over Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagoes.

According to the data from the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs shows that since 2012, 11 vessels have brought nearly 600 overseas Vietnamese delegates from more than 40 nations and territories worldwide to the Truong Sa and DKI Platform. They have donated approximately 30 billion VND for the area.

In addition, overseas Vietnamese have also established forums, clubs, and funds in many countries; organized symposiums and exhibitions to disseminate information on Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty to the communities and international friends./.




