Seminar on legal assistance for overseas Vietnamese held in Hanoi

Friday, 27/10/2023 16:29
A seminar was organized by the Foreign Ministry’s State Commission for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (SCOV) in coordination with the Hanoi Bar Association in Hanoi on October 26 to discuss legal assistance for overseas Vietnamese.
At the conference (Photo: VOV)

According to the Vietnam News Agency, speaking at the event, Deputy Head of the SCOV Nguyen Manh Dong said following the consistent policy of considering the overseas Vietnamese an inseparable part and a resource of the Vietnamese national community, the Party and State have issued a number of policies, guidelines and legal documents.

Most recently, Conclusion 12-KL/TW dated August 2, 2021 of the Politburo on overseas Vietnamese work in the new situation set a task of helping overseas Vietnamese gain firm legal status, stabilize life, comply to the host country's laws and smoothly integrate into the host society.

According to Dong, many overseas Vietnamese have the need for guidance and information provision about Vietnam's policies and laws on overseas Vietnamese affairs.

The seminar was as an initial step towards issuing a mechanism to provide legal support for overseas Vietnamese, contributing to helping them settle down overseas as well as supporting them when they return to Vietnam for settlement, working and doing business.

Participants discussed the overseas Vietnamese community's need for legal assistance in some specific aspects and proposed methods and forms of legal support that meet the requirements of the overseas Vietnamese community and suit the available resources of the Hanoi Bar Association./.




