Vietnamese Ambassador congratulates Laos on traditional New Year festival

Wednesday, 05/04/2023 11:34
A delegation of the Vietnamese Embassy in Laos led by Ambassador Nguyen Ba Hung on April 4 congratulated the Lao Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the traditional New Year festival Bunpimay of the country.

Ambassador Nguyen Ba Hung (L) presents flowers to Lao Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith (Photo: VNA)

Speaking at the event, Ambassador Hung expressed his best wishes to the Lao Party, State and people on this occasion. He informed that Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Vo Van Thuong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue will send letters of congratulations and flowers to Lao Party and State leaders.

He emphasized that the Vietnamese Party, State and people are delighted at the recent positive development in Laos after successful control of the COVID-19 pandemic, and highly appreciated the role of Lao PM Sonexay Siphandone, and Lao Deputy PM and Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith in the process.

The diplomat expressed his belief that in 2023, the Lao Party, State and people will continue reaping new achievements, stabilizing the socio-economic situation and bringing Laos back to the path of sustainable development in the near future.

For his part, Lao Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith conveyed his profound thanks to Vietnamese Party and State leaders and people for treasuring and supporting the Lao counterparts in every aspect, especially at a time when Laos faced economic difficulties, which once again affirmed the special relationship between the two countries.

He wished that the Vietnamese Ambassador and staff of the Vietnamese Embassy would fulfill their tasks assigned by the Party and State./.




