Durian exports expected to earn USD2 - 2.5 billion next year

Wednesday, 06/09/2023 14:14
In 2024, if Vietnamese durian has more planting area codes granted by Chinese authorities, durian exports are expected to reach USD2 - 2.5 billion, according to Mr. Dang Phuc Nguyen, Secretary-General of the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetables Association.
It is forecasted that durian export in 2024 will reach USD2 - 2.5 billion. (Photo: congthuong.vn) 

Mr. Nguyen said that the price of durian in the Central Highlands region increased to a record high. The reason is that, currently, only Vietnam has durian to harvest, other countries like Thailand and Malaysia are out of season.

"This is the advantage of Vietnamese durian to officially export to the Chinese market. While in other countries, durian can be harvested in a certain season in a year, in Vietnam, the crop is scattered and harvested for the whole year," Mr. Nguyen said, adding that Vietnam has the advantage of faster and much cheaper shipping than that of competitors in Thailand and Malaysia.

According to statistics from the General Department of Customs, in the first 8 months of 2023, durian exports earned nearly USD1.3 billion, leading the export turnover of fruits and vegetables. With this export momentum, Mr. Nguyen forecast, durian export is likely to bring in USD1.6-1.7 billion.

China is the world's largest durian consumer market, with import turnover reaching several billion USD each year.

Vietnamese durian products compete with Thai durian not only in quality but also in price.

The worldwide durian market must be several tens of billions of dollars. As for the Chinese market, a few years ago, it imported USD4 billion per year, this number increased because previously they mainly imported Thai goods.

The market absorption of durian fruit in this market is still large, because the amount of durian they previously imported from Thailand could only serve the needs of about 200 - 300 million people. In other words, only a portion of consumers in China can eat durian due to the expensive price of this fruit.

With a Chinese market of 1.4 billion people, quality and affordable Vietnamese durian will serve a large number of Chinese consumers./.

Compiled by BTA



