Party General Secretary laid to rest at Hanoi’s Mai Dich Cemetery

Friday, 26/07/2024 17:00
The burial service for General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong took place solemnly at Mai Dich Cemetery in Hanoi at precisely 3pm on July 26.
At the burial ceremony for General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong at Mai Dich Cemetery in Hanoi on July 26. (Photo: VNA)

The ceremony was attended by Politburo members – President To Lam, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong, and Secretary of the Party Central Committee and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Do Van Chien. Also in attendance were former Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, former Presidents Truong Tan Sang, Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Vo Van Thuong; and former National Assembly Chairpersons Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and Vuong Dinh Hue.

The burial was also taken part by leaders and former leaders of the Party, State and VFF, veteran revolutionaries, intellectuals, representatives from various agencies, departments, organisations, and religious groups, armed forces, and people from all walks of life, as well as foreign diplomatic corps and international friends.

After the honour guard conducted the burial procedures, leaders and former leaders of the Party, State and VFF, comrades, the public, international friends, and the family laid flowers and bid farewell to the Party General Secretary as he was laid to rest.

In deep mourning, they observed a minute's silence to honour the late leader, a great intellect and talent of the Vietnamese revolution, who dedicated his whole life to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation.

Throughout his nearly 60 years of diverse, unwavering revolutionary work, Professor, Doctor, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, with his wide and keen intellect, left a valuable system of ideology and theory on Vietnam’s revolutionary path in the new era for the entire Party, army, and people. Persisting and creatively applying Marxism-Leninism, and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, with the goal of national independence and socialism, ideologist Nguyen Phu Trong, a theory flag of our Party, clarified the theory of socialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam, the role of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the socialist-oriented market economy... His invaluable legacy has consolidated the strong trust on the path towards socialism, significantly contributing to the development of the world communist movement, and developing Marxism-Leninism, and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology in the present era.

With his strategic vision on the current world situation, unceasing efforts to contribute to maintaining a peaceful and stable environment in the region and the world, he opened up a new chapter in the relations between the country and international partners, boosted the friendship between Vietnam and other countries, intensified Vietnam’s contributions with various commitments and practical acts, and closely combined the strength of the nation and that of the era, strongly bringing the country forward.

Strongly inspiring and leading the entire Party, people, and army with his wisdom, noble spirit of humanity and compassion, strong will and determination, and dignity and honour of a communist combatant who wholly dedicated to the Fatherland and people, and the motto that “honour is the top among the sacred and noble”, staunch leader Nguyen Phu Trong unceasingly worked to build a purer and stronger Party to lead the country and nation to successfully implement the renewal policy.

Throughout his life of revolutionary activities, comrade Nguyen Phu Trong put Party and political system building and rectification at an especially important place. Creatively applying Ho Chi Minh’s ideology on Party building, comrade Nguyen Phu Trong clarified the nature of the Party and the building of the ruling Party through the realities of renewal in Vietnam. On that basis, he and the Party Central Committee worked out plans, made decisions, and led the successful implementation of the strategic guidelines on Party building and rectification; resolutely and persistently fought individualism, degradation of ideology, morality, and lifestyle, and corruption and other negative phenomena in the Party. This is an arduous fight against “internal enemy” to make the Party purer and stronger, and affirm the pioneering role, mettle, and intellect, so that the Party is truly of morality and civilisation.

Under his leadership, for the first time, the Party has issued a thematic resolution on building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law State of the people, by the people, and for the people. In his capacity as the State President, and National Assembly Chairman, he was always preoccupied with building the legislative body into the real organ of the highest power of the people, which is really democratic and represents the people’s legal and legitimate rights and interests; perfecting a harmonious, unified, open, transparent, and feasible legal system, creating a firm legal corridor for proactive, intensive, extensive, and comprehensive international integration, and the strong national development.

Grasping Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, and deeply aware of the important position and role of culture that “culture is the soul of the nation”, “so long as culture remains, so will our nation”, great culturist Nguyen Phu Trong made great devotion and especially important contributions to building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity, making it truly a spiritual foundation of the society, an intrinsic strength, and important momentum for national development. Under his leadership, after more than 70 years, the Party has held a national conference on culture, a milestone linking the ideology and actions of the entire Party, people and army, strongly promoting the role of culture in fulfilling the aspiration for a prosperous and happy nation.

With a profound and sharp political viewpoint, he elevated the strategic mindset, creating a new development for the national defence, security, and external affairs of Vietnam. That is the thought on protecting the Fatherland early and from afar, safeguarding the country before dangers occur; always paying attention to the building of the people-based position and the building of the lean, strong, truly clean and powerful revolutionary armed forces of the people; and that the army and public security forces must stay as united and close-knit as “two wings of a bird” and “the sword and the shield” to exert joint efforts and unanimity to surmount every difficulty, hardship, and sacrifice to maintain peace and stability for national development. Bringing into play the pioneering role of the comprehensive diplomacy, forming and leading the efficient implementation of the new-era art of diplomacy deeply imbued with the characteristics of the “Vietnamese bamboo” based on the characteristics of the Vietnamese personality, which are “utilising the invariables in response to variables”, “friendliness”, and “using kindness instead of violence”. Under his leadership, Vietnam has become a trustworthy partner and an active and responsible member in the international stage, and unceasingly carried out intensive, extensive and comprehensive integration into the international politics, the world economy, and the humankind’s civilisation.

Running through General Secretary Trong’s thought is the people, the humans, and the wholehearted and all-out service to the people, the development of the new socialist people, and the unceasing consolidation of solidarity and unity, firstly those in the Party, the great national solidarity, and the pure international solidarity.

He was always determined to build and organise the successful implementation of every guideline and policy that matches the people’s aspirations; and stayed persistent in the stance, viewpoint, and practice of “taking the people as the root” and that “the people are the key players and the centre of the cause of renewal”. The genuine, wholehearted, and righteous communist always kept in mind and demanded the entire Party and the entire political system to “show the highest sense of responsibility towards the people, care for the people’s material and spiritual lives”, and that “keeping close connection with the people is the rule of existence, development and operation of the Party, and the decisive factor constituting the strength of the Party”.

Throughout his entire life, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong relentlessly devoted himself to the revolutionary cause of our Party and nation with a steel-like spirit and will, did not backtrack in the face of obstacles and difficulties; dedicated all of his sense of responsibility and revolutionary enthusiasm, worked till his last breath, and made wholehearted and all-out dedications to the Party, the country, and the people, demonstrating a great figure living his life to the fullest for the country, the Party, and the people.

He is truly an outstanding and brilliant example of the pure revolutionary mettle and ethics, “public-spiritedness and selflessness”, a simple, upright, and sincere lifestyle, a democratic, dedicated, scientific, close to reality, and drastic working style which contains consistency between words and actions, along with the respect for and love of people, and the extreme closeness to the people. He was truly the nucleus that mobilised the solidarity, unity, and wisdom of the entire Party, people, and army, received the respect, trust, and pride from cadres, Party members and the people, and was also appreciated and highly valued by international friends.

In recognition of the his particularly remarkable contributions and dedications, the Party and State respectfully conferred on him the Gold Star Order, the highest honour but above all, he forever belongs to the Fatherland and the people.

On half of the organising board of the state funeral and the family of the Party chief, Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong, who is also head of the board, expressed gratitude to the incumbent leaders and former leaders of the Party, State and Fatherland Front, compatriots and comrades nationwide, armed forces, scholars, intellectuals, religious dignitaries, diplomatic corps, and representatives of international organisations for paying respects for, sending wreaths and messages of condolences, attending the memorial and burial ceremonies, and seeing off comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, to the eternal resting place./.

CPV (Source: VNA)



