Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Monument inaugurated in Svay Rieng

Wednesday, 28/02/2024 16:15
A Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Monument was inaugurated on February 27 in Svay Rieng province, about 100 kilometres to the southeast of Phnom Penh.
Delegates offer flowers at the inauguration ceremony (Photo: VNA)

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang affirmed that the friendship monuments are the Cambodian people’s recognition of the assistance that the Vietnamese people have given to the neighbouring country during the struggle to overthrow the Pol Pot regime as well as national construction nowadays, according to the Vietnam News Agency.

The works have played an important role in educating younger generations of both countries about the value of peace and freedom as well as raising their awareness of the traditional Vietnam – Cambodia friendship, he emphasized.

Samdech Men Sam An, Vice President of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), Chairwoman of the National Council of the Solidarity Front of Development of the Cambodian Motherland and Chairwoman of the Cambodia – Vietnam Friendship Association, highlighted the sound neighbourliness between the two countries who stood shoulder to shoulder with each other to overcome formidable challenges in various stages of the history to gain peace, territorial integrity and development, and contribute to peace, cooperation, prosperity and economic development in the region and the world.

She also expressed her gratitude towards the Vietnamese Party, State, Fatherland Front, military and people for helping Cambodia liberate itself from the brutal genocidal regime, and making contributions to the country’s process to seek peace.

The Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Monument was inaugurated in Svay Rieng province (Photo: VNA)

The inauguration of the friendship monument aimed at honouring the traditional solidarity, friendship and cooperation between the two nations, she said, adding it was a vivid illustration for the efforts to continue nurturing, consolidating and enhancing the time-honoured Vietnam – Cambodia relations.

The project to build 23 Vietnam – Cambodia Friendship Monuments across Cambodia started in 1980. Among them, 18 have been built in Phnom Penh and other localities, while five others are under construction and will be inaugurated in Oddar Meanchey, Prey Veng, Siem Reap, Pailin and Tbong Khmum./.




