Vietnam-UK relationship at best stage of development

Monday, 01/11/2021 16:11
We can confidently say that the relationship between Vietnam and the UK is at the best stage of development ever, despite the recent changes in the situation. Over the years, the Vietnam - UK Strategic Partnership has continued to develop positively and achieve many important results.

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So said Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK Nguyen Hoang Long on the occasion of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) and a working visit to the UK.

Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK Nguyen Hoang Long (Photo:

Speaking about the significance of the visit, the ambassador said that in the context of non-traditional security issues such as pandemic and climate change being major global challenges, the visit shows the determination and efforts of the Government of Vietnam in promoting and implementing international commitments, especially on major issues, which are of special interest to the international community; and demonstrates Vietnam as an active member and responsible partner.

Attending and speaking at the Summit with the top leaders of countries and the UN is an opportunity for Vietnam to demonstrate its proactive and active role in efforts to respond to climate change; and ensure and promote the interests of developing countries. At the same time, Vietnam conveys a message to the international community about the challenges and negative impacts of climate change on Vietnam. This is also an opportunity for us to introduce and promote Vietnam's efforts in responding to climate change, as well as an opportunity for us to promote cooperation with bilateral partners, international organizations and multilateral partners; seek opportunities to receive financial and technological support, and strengthen capacity for climate change response in Vietnam.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister will meet with the Vietnamese community in the UK and Ireland, thereby demonstrating the Party and State's consistent guidelines and policies on firmly consolidating great national unity, and strongly promoting the strength of the whole nation. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will also have many meetings with large British businesses and corporations, attend a forum on the investment and business environment in Vietnam to inform about important economic policies of the UK, and strengthen trust and attract more investment capital from investors, businesses and international partners.

Talking about the cooperation between the two countries to obtain sustainable development and help Vietnam boost “green growth”, the ambassador said that the two countries have built a framework of Strategic Partnership, in which cooperation against climate change is a priority. The two countries have committed to working together, both bilaterally and in multilateral forums, to respond to the pressing challenges posed by climate change, through concrete actions consistent with the principles of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement. The UK is committed to providing strategic support to Vietnam on climate-resilient and low-carbon growth and accelerating the transition to renewable energy, including wind and solar power. In addition, the two sides also committed to work together to realize the transition to a low-carbon economy, cooperate on sustainable production and consumption and circular economy activities, and cooperate in science and technology and green finance.

Confirming that bilateral relations between Vietnam and the UK are at their best, the ambassador said that over the years, the Vietnam - UK Strategic Partnership continued to develop positively and achieve many important results.

The UK highly appreciated Vietnam's role and position in the region and wished to promote comprehensive bilateral relations in many fields. In September 2020, British Foreign and Development Secretary Dominic Raab visited Vietnam and the two sides issued a new Joint Statement on a Strategic Partnership (September 30, 2020) with 7 priority areas of cooperation, and the two sides affirmed that they aim to raise the relationship to a higher level in the next 10 years.

Following that, in November 2020, the British International Trade Minister visited Vietnam and issued a statement completing the negotiation of the UK-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement UKVFTA. The Agreement was signed on December 29, 2020 and took effect from May 1, 2021. Security-defense cooperation has been maintained and strengthened, especially with the visit of Defense Minister Ben Wallace to Vietnam in July 2021./.

Compiled by BTA



