Maintain and develop Vietnamese language in overseas Vietnamese community

Saturday, 08/06/2024 12:11
(CPV) - Vietnamese language is not simply a language but also culture, identity and a tool to transmit culture, knowledge and traditions of the community. Therefore, the need to connect and maintain the mother tongue is an urgent priority in overseas Vietnamese affairs.
Teachers and volunteers participate in the training course to improve their pedagogical
and professional skills in Vietnamese language in Hanoi. (Source: PANO) 

Preserving and promoting the Vietnamese language and the traditional cultural identity of the nation as well in the overseas Vietnamese community is a task to which the Party and State pay special concern.

On March 26, 2004, the Politburo issued Resolution No. 36-NQ-TW on overseas Vietnamese affairs, which clearly stated that one of the basic tasks is "Actively investing in Vietnamese teaching and learning programs for overseas Vietnamese, especially for the younger generation; building and completing Vietnamese textbooks for overseas Vietnamese, improving Vietnamese language teaching programs on television, radio and via the Internet; sending Vietnamese teachers to wherever possible to help overseas Vietnamese learn Vietnamese; organizing a Vietnamese-speaking summer camp for overseas Vietnamese youth and teenagers."

On January 6, 2017, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 14/QD-TTg approving the Project "Improving the effectiveness of Vietnamese language teaching for overseas Vietnamese" (Project 14), which the Ministry of Education and Training was assigned to preside and coordinate with ministries and sectors to implement the Decision 14.

From 2023, September 8 will be chosen as the Day to Honor Vietnamese in the overseas Vietnamese communities.

Vietnamese is a valuable asset of the Vietnamese people, reflecting, maintaining and spreading the identity and quintessence of Vietnamese culture, contributing to consolidating the independence of the Fatherland and great national unity. Preserving and promoting Vietnamese in the overseas Vietnamese communities is an important task, with practical significance and profound scientific and humanistic value.

Since 2013, the State Commission for Overseas Vietnamese (SCOV) has organized training courses inviting teachers and even volunteers from abroad to return home to participate in training courses to improve pedagogical and professional skills in Vietnamese language. After completing the training courses, they can go back to their host countries to directly teach overseas Vietnamese, the second and third generations, and even the fourth generation. It must be said that this is a great effort of the Party and State and it has been continuously implemented by the SCOV and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in recent times.

The SCOV has built Vietnamese booksets to serve the Vietnamese communities in a number of countries such as Japan, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary. In addition, the SCOV has also supported Vietnamese language teaching and learning materials for Vietnamese communities in some countries; supported to build a website on teaching Vietnamese language for overseas Vietnamese of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU Hanoi; "Hello Vietnamese" and "Vietnamese Imprint" programs of VTV4 channel.

 The opening ceremony of Vietnamese class for children of Vietnamese community in Denmark (Source:

Many forums and seminars on innovating Vietnamese language teaching and learning have been organized by the SCOV in coordination with other units.

To maintain and promote Vietnamese language in the overseas Vietnamese community, it is necessary to create an attractive studying environment, rich in content and form to create a foundation for the community to connect, share and foster a love of Vietnamese, especially the younger generation of Vietnamese; diversify and innovate Vietnamese language learning textbooks based on taking advantage of digital platforms and applying information technology to meet the needs of target groups and areas; improve the quality of teachers, teaching forms, teaching methods, knowledge of Vietnamese language, culture and history through face-to-face and online forms; continue to maintain the organization of direct training courses in the area, with research and adjustments appropriate to the characteristics of each area; strengthen the implementation of communication work, thereby creating a positive impact, helping to spread the love of Vietnamese language, improving Vietnamese language teaching and learning activities in the overseas Vietnamese communities.

Vietnamese is extremely important to the overseas Vietnamese community. Maintain and develop the Vietnamese language in the overseas Vietnamese community to honor the richness and beauty of the Vietnamese language, raise awareness of the national language and culture for overseas Vietnamese around the world and international friends, especially younger generations who were born and grow up abroad. Through preserving and honoring the Vietnamese language, it contributes to building an advanced Vietnamese culture, rich in national identity, integrating without dissolving./.




