PM inspects on-duty situation of major media agencies on threshold of Tet

Saturday, 10/02/2024 09:15
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited offices of major media agencies in Hanoi on February 9, the last day of the lunar year.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visits leaders and staff of Vietnam News Agency (Photo: VNA)

Visiting the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), he hailed the working attitude of VNA officials, reporters, and editors across the country and abroad who provide information to the Party, State, and people in a timely manner.

The Government leader reminded them to ensure smooth information connection between the VNA and international news agencies during Tet, as well as connectivity with VNA reporters to update audiences with Tet atmosphere across the country.

PM Pham Minh Chinh asked the VNA to focus on digital transformation, while paying due attention to infrastructure system upgrading and human resources training, and effectively and creatively building diverse information supply channels to better serve audiences inside and outside the country.

He underscored the need for the VNA to provide the world with better understanding of Vietnam and the country's efforts to care for the people. It is necessary to maintain close coordination between domestic news and foreign service news to ensure full, honest, objective and selected news, creating a new atmosphere, new motivations, and new successes for the country.

As the national news agency with time-honoured tradition, the VNA should promote its tradition and continue to complete all of its assigned tasks, he requested.

Visiting Radio The Voice of Vietnam (VOV), PM Chinh asked it to popularise safety regulations during Tet, ensuring all people enjoy a happy, safe, and healthy festival.

The VOV has allocated about 250 reporters and staff to work during Tet.

He requested the VOV television channel to report the spirit of protecting national sovereignty, territorial integrity, national seas and islands, as well as Tet atmosphere of the people.

Particularly, it should help educate people on traffic regulations as well as other laws, he said.

Inspecting the on-duty situation at the Vietnam Television (VTV), PM Pham Minh Chinh hailed the serious working atmosphere of VTV leaders and staff to ensure the operations of all channels.

The VTV should be highly aware of its important role and invest more in its programmes to better serve audiences and contribute to promoting national development, he said and reminded it to speed up digital transformation and invest more in human resources development.

During Tet festival, the VTV should provide the mass with safety guidance to ensure a healthy and warm Tet for all.

On the occasion, PM Pham Minh Chinh presented gifts and extended New Year wishes to officials, reporters, and editors of the three establishments who are working on the last day of the year./.

CPV (Source: VNA)



