Over 200 documents and items on Uncle Ho and Hanoi on display in Hanoi

Friday, 19/05/2023 11:12
An exhibition themed ‘Uncle Ho and Hanoi’ and a space of calligraphy art is taking place at the Hanoi Museum in the capital as part of activities commemorating the late President Ho Chi Minh’s 133rd birth anniversary (May 19, 1890-2023).
Visitors to the exhibition (Source: CPV) 

More than 200 documents and items on the founder of the modern Vietnam with regard to revolutionary milestones taking place in the city in association with the President, his ties with the locals, and how people in the capital have followed his sayings, are on display at an exhibition which opened at on May 18.

The exhibition themed ‘Uncle Ho and Hanoi’ and a space of calligraphy art was held as part of activities commemorating the late President Ho Chi Minh’s 133rd birth anniversary (May 19, 1890-2023).

The art space, meanwhile, showcases close to 40 calligraphy works combined with President Ho Chi Minh's poems and life maxims.

At the opening ceremony, Director of the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports Do Dinh Hong said during his lifetime of revolutionary activities, the leader spent the longest period in the capital city (from 1945 to 1946 and from 1954 to 1969). His profound thoughts, feelings, and instructions have been a guideline for all work of the local authorities and people, contributing to building the city toward modernity and civilisation.

The event lasts until the end of the year./.




